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A Coronavirus Phone Line is available for families to call at 716.817.7445. An afterhours Coronavirus hotline is available for families and people enrolled in our Day Habilitation Programs and Vocational Services to share questions at 716.529.6505. Concerns may also be emailed to

People Inc. also maintains an Emergency Closing Line for program participants, families and staff containing updated information about weather-related program closures. Call 716.817.5700 (Western New York) or 585.441.9393 (Greater Rochester Region) to find out if your program or location is closed.


The visitor policy for all residential facilities is based on the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) guidance on the "Management of Communicable Respiratory Viral Infections." Communicable Respiratory Viral Infections include: seasonal influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), COVID-19, measles, varicella zoster (chicken pox), and herpes zoster (shingles).

  • If a person-served in a residence is under investigation (PUI) for or positive for COVID-19 or Influenza or Respiratory Viral Infection: Visitation is limited to outside (if weather permits)/Bedroom.
  • If a person-Served is exposed to a person under investigation for or positive for COVID-19 or Influenza or Respiratory Viral Infection: Visitation is limited to outside (if weather permits)/Designated area in the home away from people in isolation.
  • Face masks are required under the following circumstances:
  • Face masks are required if a visitor had close contact with someone with COVID-19, wear a well fitted face mask around others for 10-days from last close contact. 
  • Face masks are required if a visitor completed a minimum 5-day isolation period as a result of a COVID-19 infection and are required to be worn on days 6-10.
  • Face masks are required if the home has a person receiving services under isolation for PUI or positive COVID-19 or the home is under isolation for a suspected or confirmed influenza.

More information is available at NYS OPWDD and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

June 18, 2020 Phased Reopening Update

Jun 18, 2020

While many of our People Inc. services remained in full operation throughout the COVID pandemic to date, others were suspended or significantly altered. A planned and gradual reopening of our programs is anticipated, based on a variety of factors to support our primary goal – maintaining a safe and healthy environment for the people we support and our employees. To be as transparent as possible, and allow for families and others to best plan, we are sharing the below information. 

Our reopening is reflected in lettered “phases” – Phase A, B, etc. – which may not, and are not meant to, correspond directly with the externally-issued government “phases." Progression, pause or reversal of our phases will be determined by our Emergency Management Team based on continual monitoring and regulatory guidance. Updates may be made rapidly as a result. Some phases may be brief in duration, but are important to pace through in order to ensure the people we also deeply care about are as safe as possible. We appreciate your support as we work together through this extremely challenging time.

We will continue to post updates to this information online, and as always, families are welcome to call group homes or programs for specific questions or participate on our family conference calls also posted on our website (next one on June 30). A special Coronavirus Phone Line has been established for families to call, 716.817.7445, and is checked every hour 24/7 and responded to directly. A special email address has been established as well, so that concerns can be addressed at

PHASE A – Effective June 15, 2020




Residential Group Homes


Visitation at Group Homes

Prescheduled outdoor visits at group homes* between the hours of 9 a.m-9 p.m. with limit of 2 family visitors that have been pre-screened, and observe other safety precautions provided in advance. Details are included in the family letter. *No visits will be scheduled at a location if a quarantine is in place.

Medical Appointments

Family/Guardian can attend emergency medical appointments and procedures in accordance with any precautions established by medical provider

Person Served Return to Group Home

Phased approach for return to group home begins with testing. Additional safeguards outlined in operational policy which will be reviewed in detail with family/individual as part of the process. 

Community Outings

Resume community walks, going to parks, drive-thru meals and community for haircuts.

 Senior Living

Common Areas

Services continue, Community rooms and communal patios presently closed

Tax Credit Apartments

Common Areas

Services continue, Community rooms and communal patios presently closed

Day Habilitation/ Community PreVoc

General operations

Day program buildings* are presently closed. Supports being provided remotely. (*exception, some space at 181 Lincoln)

Employment services

General operations

Community-based employment supports have continued, following employer/placement’s status. Limited Contract Manufacturing operational at 181 Lincoln location.

Free-standing Respite

General Operations

Traditional respite services presently closed. Sites redirected as a regional resource to care for people with disbilitilies who are positive and are recovering.  

Site-Based Respite

General Operations

Presently closed.

In-Home Behavioral

General Operations

Continued uninterrupted operations, with precautions in place.

Community Habilitation

General Operations

Continued uninterrupted operations, with precautions in place.

Elmwood Health Center

General Operations

Continued operations, open for in-person and virtual visits

Home Health Care

General Operations

Continued uninterrupted operations, with precautions in place.

Ombudsman services

General Operations

Remote support, in line with operator’s visitor policies