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Greater Rochester Region

About US

People Inc. is a leading not-for-profit agency that plays a unique and valuable role in the communities we serve by assisting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, special needs and seniors, in leading healthy, independent and productive lives.

For more information about any of these programs and services, call 585.441.9300 or email


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We offer a variety of programs and services in the Greater Rochester region including:


Each person goes through admissions to help determine eligibility to access the services they want and need to help achieve their unique goals and desires.

Article 16 Clinical Services (Through OPWDD-approved People Inc. Rehabilitative Health Services)

Provides therapeutic and counseling services to people with developmental disabilities enabling them to remain in their current residential setting and enhance their quality of life. Licensed practitioners provide rehabilitation/habilitation services (PT, OT and Speech therapies). Eligibility and admission is available through an agency Treatment Coordinator.

Behavioral Services

Must be eligible to receive OPWDD Family Support Services: A hands-on, in-home support program that works with families of children and adults with special needs who have intense behavioral issues. A behavior consultant equips parents/loved ones with the skills to live and function in a healthy way. A Parent Training Program, designed to teach parents how to foster positive behaviors in their children is also offered.

Care Management for Children

Offered to families whose child has chronic conditions (Behavioral, physical, developmental) and has Medicaid coverage. The Care Manager will help with enrolling in services through a Health Home in order to assist with managing a child’s services while focusing on an interdisciplinary team approach. If a child does not have Medicaid coverage, the Care Manager may be able to assist with applying through the Children’s Waiver process. A Children’s Health Home is not a building, but rather a virtual network of support that provides a key point of contact, coordinator of services and compassionate care.

Community Habilitation

Promotes independence by offering skills training in an environment of a person’s choosing (in-home or community) and other supports. Implemented in a community-based environment (i.e. non-certified settings), it facilitates community inclusion, integration and relationship-building. Supports are face-to-face, typically one-on-one and may include assistance with grocery shopping, budgeting, transportation and other daily living skills.

Early Intervention

Provides Ongoing Service Coordination for children up to the age of three with diagnosed or suspected developmental delays. Services must be approved by the county in which the child resides. Ongoing Service Coordinators work closely with the County and voluntary providers to ensure that children receive the specialized therapies for which they are approved (such as Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, etc.). As a child get close to age three, the Ongoing Service Coordinator will assist with a smooth transition of services to the local school district in which the child resides (if found eligible). Encourages development in children while helping parents/caregivers better understand their child’s unique needs.

Environmental Modifications/Adaptive Technologies

An EMOD is an adaption to the home necessary to increase or maintain the person’s ability to live in their home. It addresses needs related to physical, behavioral or sensory abilities and helps ensure that the health, safety and welfare of the person are met. 

Deaf Access Services

People Inc.’s Deaf services provide: In-person interpreting, Video Remote Interpreting (VRI), American Sign Language classes, community services navigation and advocacy, Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART); assistive technology supports, employment placement and life skills, adult literacy classes, and more!
Contact: 716.833.1637, 716.335.9192 (Videophone), or

Residential Services

We offer safe, comfortable and home-like community living for people with developmental disabilities. Specially-trained staff encourage the highest level of independence and decision-making through 24-hour care (or less, if needed).

Respite Services

In-Home Respite: Family members/caregivers are provided a break as we support their loved ones in their own home. This person-centered approach can be provided to more than one person, including siblings who have developmental disabilities. Personal care is provided, along with activities to aid developmental growth.

Afternoon Respite: Provides afternoon program care including, arts/crafts, games, sports, recreation, homework help and socialization, while providing parents/guardians/caregivers the opportunity to work full days and complete errands.

Self-Directed Services

Empowers people to choose the mix of supports and services to live the life they want. The person (or a designee) acts as the manager of their services. We offer Fiscal Intermediary service to assist you to hire staff, process reimbursements from your budget, monitor your expenses and ensure all the required documentation is in place for billing and compliance.

Vocational/Employment Services

Helps people train, prepare for, secure and maintain employment. We assess job readiness, then aid in the development of skills designed to lead to competitive job placement. Services include screening, instruction, advocacy and ongoing support.