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Special Edition

Join Us for Spring It On!

People Inc. is happy to announce that there are three ways that community members are able to support the agency through the Spring It On campaign through the United Way of Buffalo & Erie County by contributing to the People Inc. Foundation, the Museum of disABILITY History and Headway of WNY. Spring It On, a 24-hour on-line fundraising event, is designed to raise awareness and funds for not-for profit organizations throughout Western New York with a unique one-day focus. Spring It On will be held on the first day of spring, March 20, from 8 a.m. until 8 a.m. on March 21, 2014.
You can help by making a one-time, secure, online donation! People Inc. hopes to mobilize community members for one day of giving to strengthen and support its programs and services including:

People Inc. Foundation: Funds will help build a year-round therapeutic sunroom at one of People Inc.’s residences for individuals with developmental disabilities so they can enjoy all four seasons without leaving the safety and comfort of home. Donations accepted at www.springiton.org/peopleinc.

Museum of disABILITY History: Funds will support educational programs for children and adults that promote the understanding and acceptance of people with developmental disabilities. Program examples include a monthly speaker series that is open to the public and disability etiquette programs where students and members of organizations can understand disability awareness, learn the importance of using person-first language and tips for interacting with individuals who have disabilities. Additionally, a “Disabilities Merit Badge Program” is offered for Boy Scouts with a unique experience and awareness for people with disabilities. Donations accepted at www.springiton.org/museumofdisability.

Headway of WNY: Funds will go toward medical equipment, assistive technology and the important services that help individuals with traumatic brain injuries increase their independence. Donations accepted at www.springiton.org/headwayofwny.
Thank you for your support!

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