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October 20-24 is Disability History Week. Here are some ways you can help promote awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disabilities in our community.
See a Movie
Kelly’s Hollywood - Friday, October 17
Buffalo native Brian Donovan’s tribute to his sister, Kelly, who was born with Down syndrome.
Buy Some Books
Ivan the Invacar
Help your children go on adventures and meet lots of new friends with the “Ivan the Invacar” children’s book series!
Shop Our Store
Enjoy a 10 percent discount in our museum store!
Attend a Workshop
Tourette Syndrome and Associated Disorders in the Classroom – Saturday, November 1
Susan Conners, author and president and founder of the Tourette Syndrome Association of Greater NYS, will present.
Make a Donation
Ensure that that we can continue to tell the story of the lives, triumphs and struggles of people with disabilities.
For more information about the Museum of disABILITY History,
call 716.629.3626 or visit www.museumofdisability.org.