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Tom Golisano Pledges $5 Million Gift to People Inc.

Sep 18, 2024

People Inc. President and CEO Anne McCaffrey and Board Treasurer Dennis K. Schaeffer were in attendance at a special news conference in Rochester, NY on September 17, when Tom Golisano announced $360 million in donations across upstate New York, including People Inc.

Golisano, the founder of Paychex, chair of the Golisano Foundation, and philanthropist, announced that his gifts will benefit 82 upstate New York non-profit organizations. People Inc. was notified that it would receive $1 million per year for five years totaling $5 million. Golisano’s gift represents the largest private donation in People Inc.’s history.

People Inc. is one of only a handful of agencies in the Buffalo area who serve people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to receive a donation.

McCaffrey said, "We are incredibly grateful for his generosity and for recognizing the impact our people and programs have on the lives of those we support. We will be formulating a thoughtful plan to maximize this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the thousands of people we serve." She added how incredibly moved she was by a letter from Golisano and his quote, “The only wealth you get to keep is that which you give away.” 

People Inc. is grateful to Mr. Golisano, and all our donors who embrace this philosophy.

Some people we support and CEO Anne McCaffrey helped us with a video to thank Tom Golisano for his support. Check it out here!