Will You Help Us Make a Transformational Impact?
Dec 05, 2024
A message from Anne McCaffrey, President & CEO, People Inc.
Every day, I have the privilege of witnessing the profound impact of compassionate, high-quality care on the people we serve. The knowledge, creativity, and dedication that our staff exhibit, make me incredibly proud of what we do for people receiving services and their families, and the special ways in which we carry out our mission. As the challenging and rewarding work we do grows and evolves, I’m reaching out to share how you can help us continue to expand this vital work.
I invite you to consider donating to the People Inc. Foundation. Our donors make a transformational impact on the programs, facilities, and care People Inc. provides. Click here to make a gift today.
With rising needs in our community and increased medical complexities, People Inc. is committed to innovation and expanding our resources to help more people and families.
There are so many stories of how excellence is displayed by our staff every day. One example is Shirley Fernandez, an LPN clinical coordinator at People Inc., who shared how incredibly proud she is of her and her entire team's role in serving the people at their location. “At my work site, we consider ourselves family. We celebrate birthdays and holidays with residents and their loved ones. We mentor, support, and prepare one another for the opportunities and challenges ahead.”
Thank you for being a crucial part of our mission today and our future. Your support provides People Inc. with the financial strength and flexibility necessary to drive our new strategic plans forward and ensure excellence in our programs and services.