Press Releases
Jun 02, 2023
Every Purchase has a Purpose: People Shoppe is a store, and so much more!
People Inc. celebrated the grand opening of its newest vocational initiative to provide people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as people from the Deaf and hard of hearing community, the opportunity to engage with the community through meaningful activities and hands-on work experience through the People Shoppe. Every purchase supports the agency’s mission to provide inclusive experience, including training for a career in retail by exploring every aspect of operating a store from inventory to stocking to customer service to sales. Working toward achieving these skills at the store located at the Tri-Main Center, 2495 Main Street in Buffalo, is part of the individualized goals that each of the participants set for themselves. One of the Ambassadors, Brandon Mazur, was eager to become a part of the People Shoppe experience from the beginning and has emerged as one of the most recognizable people associated with the store. Every Wednesday, visitors will find him proudly wearing his People Inc. logo wear and hard at work setting up tables, turning on the lights, explaining about the various items for sale, stocking the shelves, greeting and listening to customers, working the cash register and helping with the bank deposit. “I am proud to be the first person customers see – it makes me and them feel happy,” Brandon offered. “My money skills have increased since I started working here,” he added. Brandon is known for interacting with the customers, listening to their concerns and suggestions for the store and recognizing repeat customers. Additionally, he helps his peers learn about their ambassador responsibilities and how to become successful. After reviewing the customer suggestion cards, Brandon helped to decide on ordering new products, such as the mouse pads, hair ties and hand sanitizer. He advocated to sell a couple of different types fidget spinners because, “Everybody needs to let their stress out!” Adding to his resume, Brandon accompanied People Inc. staff to the New York Association of Day Service Providers state-wide conference, where together they presented details about the People Shoppe and his experiences. He really liked answering all of their questions and felt it was an honor to represent People Inc. The staff who accompany Brandon commented on how they have seen his confidence increase over the past year, as well as how they have seen him take ownership of the store. He likes to make sure things are done efficiently, helps customers find just the right product or gift, checks dates on items, keeps an eye on the inventory and reconciles the bank deposit with the help of a People Inc. E.T.H.O.S AmeriCorps member. Additionally, they shared that Brandon creates the positive atmosphere of the store through his infectious and magnetic personality, bringing laughter to the team of Ambassadors and staff, complimenting people and always showing up fully energized. Being around Brandon – all people become more positive, you can’t help it! The Ambassadors really have a true integration into the Tri-Main community. In the future, Brandon would like to get a paying job in the community and shared that he is learning so much by being an Ambassador not only in the People Shoppe, but also through volunteering for People Inc. events, such as the golf tournament where he met a lot of golfers and got to talk to them. People Inc. President and CEO Rhonda Frederick reflected, “From an idea to a reality, this project has been a true collaborative journey with many people coming together to make this day possible, including Deaf Access Services, now a program of People Inc., Tri-Main Development, the Southeast Foundation Board, as well as all of the People Inc. support departments. The primary purpose of this space is not as a retail outlet, but instead a space for people to come and build relationships, engage with the community, and enjoy a hands-on experience.” Rhonda added, “Ensuring that people with developmental disabilities and varying abilities secure and maintain meaningful, competitive employment is an important part of what People Inc. does year-round. Hiring a qualified person with a disability brings greater benefits beyond just filling an open job – it means increased productivity, enhanced corporate culture and dedicated, loyal and efficient employees – all of which contribute to a company’s success!” People Inc. Vice President and Southeast Foundation Board Member Tim Pfohl shared, “The participants from the programs, our Ambassadors, have focused on engaging the Tri-Main’s business tenants and guests, asking for their suggestions for items to carry, increasing traffic and sharing information about People Inc. One group, using donated flowers, created arrangements and distributed them to all the building’s tenants.” Learn more This story was part of the 2022 Annual Report.
Sep 05, 2024
Expansion of Therapy Services Underway with Grant Support
Anne McCaffrey, president and CEO of People Inc. recently welcomed U.S. Congressman Tim Kennedy to the People Inc. Rehabilitative Health Services location at 800 Hertel Avenue in Buffalo to thank him for securing funds to purchase new or replace outdated physical, occupational and speech therapy equipment that will enable the agency to expand and elevate related services to people across Western New York and the Rochester area. Through the efforts of Congressman Kennedy during his previous tenure in the New York State Senate a grant of $131,758 will support the purchase of dozens of pieces of equipment, including but not limited to a new treadmill, a stander, E-Pacer electric lifts, an EasyStand standing frame, an Obi adaptive feeding device, Rifton Transfer and Mobility device, and activity chair. The Rehabilitative Health Services team provides physical (PT), occupational (OT) and speech interventions to approximately 4,700 people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, as well as those diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, Down’s Syndrome, Autism, and Spina Bifida. Therapies are provided at the state-of-the-art clinic in Buffalo as well as 11 other locations. “This grant will support the purchase of equipment that is essential to promoting independence and helping people reach their full potential, which are at the core of People Inc.’s mission,” said Anne McCaffrey, president and CEO of People Inc. “The addition of these devices can significantly increase access to care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, help them improve many skills, and positively impact their daily routines. Ultimately, this is about improving the quality of people’s lives.” “Western New Yorkers with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families rely on People Inc. to access the services they need to thrive,” Congressman Kennedy said. “This funding will provide the critical resources used to deliver world-class services to thousands of patients across the region. As an occupational therapist, I know first-hand how reliable and state-of-the-art equipment can boost patient outcomes and I was pleased to secure this funding during my time in the State Senate. I applaud People Inc. for always putting patients first and providing skills and support to patients and families that make everyday life easier.” Congressman Kennedy also offered his compliments to the staff of the Rehabilitative Health Services Department and their outstanding work. People Inc. Occupational Therapist Amanda Kujawinski demonstrated one of the new pieces of equipment purchased through the grant – the Obi. The Obi is designed for people with upper extremity mobility and strength limitations, who may otherwise be completely dependent on others for eating. This device utilizes customizable switch access, allowing people to select the food they want, when they want it, and bring it to their mouth independently. The robotic arm, which is structured like a human arm, moves over the plate to select food items, simulating natural mealtime patterns. Amanda remarked “The Obi embodies the values and vision that we strive to integrate into our roles as clinicians at People Inc. and as an agency. That is, we try to help people achieve the highest possible degree of independence.” People Inc. Occupational Therapist Kayla Conaway explained how another new piece of equipment – the pacer gait trainer – will be used daily to help patients ambulate where otherwise this would not be possible. It is unique because of the motorized function that allows the clinician to assist patients from a seated position into a standing position, even if they are unable to support themselves in standing on their own. She stated, “One of the most important attributes that the pacer has shown is the ability to bring hope and joy to patients who never believed walking would ever be a possibility. We often take walking for granted but when you see the pure joy on our patients’ faces when using this device, we are reminded of what a privilege it is.” Lynette Trudeau, a current Rehabilitative Health Services patient, during the press conference shared how the dedicated team of clinicians use the state-of-the-art equipment to make lasting impacts on her quest for greater independence.
Jan 09, 2025
Grant Allows for Life-Saving Equipment, Training At Programs for People with Disabilities
State Funds Secured Through Assemblymember McMahon People Inc. will equip each of its 155 group homes, 25 day programs and 20 respite locations with new, state-of-the-art devices designed to assist in the event of a choking incident. The initiative is possible thanks to a $25,000 grant sponsored by N.Y. State Assemblymember Karen McMahon. All program staff will undergo training to use the portable device, called LifeVac®. It is common for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities to have anatomical and physiological characteristics that put them at high risk for choking and/or aspiration. Some have poor or underdeveloped oral motor skills that cause issues with chewing and swallowing, while others have decreased airway reflexes. “In our efforts to focus on the absolute best care for people we serve, we did an assessment of health needs across our program sites,” said Anne McCaffrey, President and CEO. “Choking is a well-known risk among our population, and while our team is highly trained to help prevent incidents, we are committed to continuously enhancing our services by offering cutting-edge solutions that help people overcome obstacles. The LifeVac is a fast, effective anti-choking tool, and with Assembly Member McMahon’s help, we have added that extra safety assurance.” The LifeVac is a portable, non-invasive suction device created to assist in choking emergencies. It is meant to be used when all other standard protocols are exhausted. The plunger-like device has a mask that is placed on the face of a person experiencing an airway obstruction and can quickly alleviate the blockage. According to the manufacturer, LifeVac has helped save thousands of lives. Assemblymember McMahon said: “The work being done by the caregivers at People Inc. facilities is extraordinary and vital to providing a safe quality of life to those they serve. I was honored to secure $25,000 for the purchase of LifeVac home kits which may provide life-saving care in the event of a choking emergency. These devices can make all the difference when seconds count during such an emergency. While we hope these devices don't have to be used, we are reassured that the skilled professionals at People Inc. will have them available if needed." The grant will be administered through the New York State Department of Health. For more information on the LifeVac, see .
Sep 18, 2023
Mt. Olive, People Inc. Mark Groundbreaking for Affordable Housing in East Buffalo
Mt. Olive Development Corporation, People Inc., and several government and community leaders celebrated the start of construction of a $27 million affordable apartments initiative on property adjacent to the Mt. Olive Baptist Church, located at 701. E. Delavan Avenue on Monday, September 18. Mt. Olive Senior Manor will provide 65 apartments for people aged 55 and older who meet income requirements. Mt. Olive and People Inc. are development partners and co-owners of the project, which addresses a substantial need for affordable housing in the City of Buffalo. The building will include 1- and 2-bedroom apartments for households earning at or below 60% of the Area Median Income. Approximately 20 units will be designated for frail older adults with housing instability, as well as some set aside for people who need support due to mobility, vision, or hearing challenges. People Inc. will offer support services to those who qualify. Funding for the project comes from several sources, including federal and state Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, New York State Homes and Community Renewal, New York State Homeless Housing and Assistance Program, and the City of Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency. Rents will range from $540 - $640/month for a 1-bedroom apartment and from $630 - $755/month for a 2-bedroom. The project was first envisioned by the late Rev. Dr. William Gillison Jr., the beloved pastor of Mt. Olive Baptist Church, who recognized a need for safe, affordable senior housing in the area and then worked tirelessly to make his dream become a reality. People Inc. was selected by Mt. Olive Development Corporation following an extensive RFP process to serve as its development partner. “It has been 28 years since the vision of Mt. Olive Manor was given to Pastor William Gillison. It is truly a blessing to see it come to pass with the construction of Mt. Olive Senior Manor,” said Pastor Dwayne R. Gillison Sr., the son of Pastor William Gillison and current pastor of Mt. Olive Baptist Church. "Mount Olive Senior Manor development continues my administration’s dedication to equitable development and affordable housing in our city. The city is proud to contribute more than $2 million to this project,” said Buffalo Mayor Byron W. Brown. “I thank New York State Governor Kathy Hochul for her support and partnership in my mission to achieve 40 percent affordable housing in our city. I also thank Mt. Olive Development Corporation and People Inc. This is the second time the city has partnered with Mt. Olive on affordable housing and the fifth time we’ve partnered with People Inc. I’m proud of the work both organizations do, and I’m proud to continue our successful partnership.” For nearly 30 years, People Inc. has been recognized for its leadership in the development of affordable housing and the delivery of services to residents, including those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, the frail and elderly, and those at risk of homelessness. Today, People Inc. has more than 30 affordable housing properties, which includes 1,300 units across Western New York. “People Inc. is proud to join Mt. Olive Development Corp., federal, state and local government in launching this project,” said People Inc. President and CEO, Anne McCaffrey. “We will provide new, affordable housing opportunities and offer critical services to vulnerable populations, which is central to our mission of helping people live fulfilling and productive lives while maintaining their independence.” The building will include an on-site management office, off-street parking, a large community room, laundry facilities, indoor storage space and a courtyard with covered patio.
Jun 11, 2024
Newest People Inc. Site in Buffalo Creates Synergies
People Inc. is always looking for the best and most efficient ways to utilize the many properties we operate. Over the last year, the transformation of what was once a medical practice and offices on Elmwood Avenue serves as a shining example of innovation and teamwork, with the creation of unique space for both employees and people receiving services from People Inc. After the relocation of the agency’s rehabilitative health, social work and counseling services to 800 Hertel Avenue, a remodel of the Elmwood Avenue building made room for offices for People Inc.’s Learning & Development, Human Resources, and Advocacy departments, which are now all housed alongside a day program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Called the “Center of Excellence in Employment and Training,” the building at 2128 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, provides unique synergies. Communication, collaboration, development of the HR Team, cross-training, and efficiencies of many processes are just a few of the highlights that People Inc. Senior Vice President of Human Resources Kathryn Alterio has noticed in the new location. “Bringing the entire HR team from talent acquisition , retention, benefits and more into one place has been tremendously helpful,” she said. “Plus, it is easier to now work much closer with staff from Learning and Development and Advocacy – streamlining the ability to respond to the needs of our employees.” She also noted the importance of hiring the best employees and the important role that members of the Advocacy Team play in providing vital feedback during the interview process. Advocacy staff, including some who also receive services from People Inc., work with the Human Resources team, Learning & Development, as well as with people attending the day program, housed in the building. Members of People Inc.’s Advocacy Department are also involved with every new employee orientation and help facilitate several training segments, said Vice President, Learning & Development David Squires. “This has a great impact on new employees,” he said. “Additionally, having HR in the building has been invaluable for us in that they are there to provide us with guidance when situations arise with new employees.” Working with the day program, the Advocacy Team has initiated programs including sexuality training, an “Art of Advocacy” program, and more. A bonus, according to Associate Vice President for Advocacy Rick Banner, is the example set for new and existing employees by our staff with disabilities who work in the building. Funded in part by the Empire State Development division of New York State, the creation of the Center of Excellence in Employment and Training is a critical investment in our workforce, said People Inc. President and CEO Anne McCaffrey. “The Center for Excellence in Employment and Training allows us to present an inclusive and accessible high-tech space to meet the needs of prospective job applicants, new hires and our staff in every step of their recruitment, training and career development.”
Jun 06, 2023
Nick Kilpatrick Shares Talents with Jamestown Community
Nick Kilpatrick is proud to be a part of his Jamestown community. The 42-year-old, who is enrolled in People Inc. Self-Directed Services, is a skilled string musician who brings people together with his tunes. Known by many as “Traveling Nick, the Guitar Guy,” he shares his talents with residents at Heritage Park Skilled Nursing and with shoppers at the Ashville General Store. One of Nick’s biggest advocates is his Self-Determination Assistant Ron Matson. Ron has worked with Nick to find meaningful avenues for his time and music. Together, they research opportunities and get in touch with local businesses. In 2021, Nick decided to participate in the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign as a way to share his talents and give back to the community. He enjoyed it so much that he decided to take part again in 2022, playing guitar and encouraging donations from holiday visitors to Chautauqua Mall in Lakewood. For Nick, it’s all about making connections with those around him. “I like the people who come to see me,” he shared. In addition to his musical endeavors, Nick has also been able to develop skills as a craftsman with Ron’s guidance. He repairs vintage fans and builds cigar box string instruments in his own workshop using a number of tools, as well as a plan for each project to help keep him organized. Recently, Nick has been expanding his skillset, while refurbishing a credenza for his apartment. He’s learned how to use a few different tools and is thankful for all the opportunities he’s received through People Inc. Self-Directed Services. “I would like to thank all the people that have helped me to get here,” said Nick. “I like to make new friends, along with the people I work with. I really enjoy learning new things and playing my music for everyone.” Learn more This story was part of the 2022 Annual Report.
Nov 07, 2024
Ombudsman Team Receives "Program of Excellence Award"
The Network in Aging of Western New York recognized program staff for their regional work by naming them the "Program of Excellence". For more than 13,000 older adults and people living with disabilities in Western New York’s long-term care facilities, the Region 15 NYS Ombudsman Program , administered through People Inc., serves as a crucial lifeline. Its mission is to ensure residents’ rights are upheld, offering much-needed advocacy, education and means of empowerment. “We are the voice of the voiceless,” says Susan Fenster, the program director for Region 15. “Many residents in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and adult care homes are among the most vulnerable in our community. They often don’t have family or friends who can advocate on their behalf. That’s where we come in—we make sure their rights are protected.” The program covers 118 long-term care facilities across Erie, Niagara, Chautauqua, and Cattaraugus counties, providing support to residents who may otherwise go unheard. Since 2016, People Inc. has hosted the program for Region 15, managing it through a state grant. Volunteers are at the core of this work. Supported by a small staff, these trained individuals dedicate themselves to helping residents by listening to their concerns, investigating issues, and working to resolve complaints. In 2024 alone, Region 15’s volunteers donated more than 4,200 hours to advocating for a better quality of life for residents. Ultimately, the Ombudsman Program is about empowering older adults and people with disabilities to understand and exercise their rights, ensuring they receive quality care in an environment that respects their dignity.
Jul 28, 2023
People Inc. Celebrates Opening of Folwell Senior Apartments
New York State Governor Kathy Hochul and several other elected officials and community partners joined People Inc. President and CEO Anne McCaffrey today in celebrating the opening of People Inc. Folwell Senior Apartments, a $15.3 million conversion of the former Women and Children’s Hospital building into affordable house for seniors. The People Inc. development, at 140 Hodge Ave., Buffalo, includes 44 affordable and supportive apartments for qualifying residents aged 62 and over and is part of the Elmwood Crossing project in the historic Elmwood Village neighborhood. The complex includes seven units for seniors in need of supportive services to live independently. “Folwell Apartments will provide safe, stable homes for seniors while breathing new life into Buffalo’s Elmwood Village neighborhood," Governor Hochul said. Hochul's comprehensive Housing Plan for New York includes creating approximately 100,000 new or repurposed affordable homes across the state. “Today we celebrate another step in the right direction in expanding access to affordable housing for seniors in the City of Buffalo,” McCaffrey said. “It has been well-documented that our region is in need of additional affordable housing options, especially for some of our most vulnerable citizens.” Folwell is People Inc.’s seventh affordable housing initiative using Low Income Housing Tax Credits, including 413 new housing units in Western New York. “The housing we have created is life-changing for many of our residents who have been moving in over recent weeks,” said McCaffrey. New Folwell resident Michael Cureton agreed his life has changed, telling the audience, “I love my apartment,” he said. “From Day 1, people here have been just fantastic. Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown thanked Governor Hochul and other partners in the project and mentioned the city’s longstanding relationship with People Inc. “I’m honored to continue our collaboration and to see yet another affordable housing initiative flourish,” Mayor Brown said. Approximately 30 of the 44 apartments are currently occupied. For more information about Folwell Senior Apartments, click here .
Feb 16, 2024
People Inc. Employee Rick Banner Honored for DEI Advocacy
Buffalo Business First named Richard (Rick) Banner, People Inc. Associate Vice President of Advocacy one of the IDEA Award recipients. He was recognized for being a tireless champion helping people to find and utilize their voices for more than 20 years. He is responsible for developing and directing all advocacy initiatives in the agency, which includes promoting the idea that people have rights and can determine for themselves how to live as independently as possible. Rick leads a team of people tasked with supporting self-advocacy and educating others about advocacy. His work is unique and highly respected throughout Western New York, and includes networking, collaborating with and training staff at other agencies to strengthen the quality of advocacy programs and person-centered planning regionally, statewide, and nationally. He assures advocate perspectives and person-centered-thinking is integral throughout the agency. Rick is actively involved in supporting the establishment and on-going work of several Advocacy groups and has put People Inc’s Advocacy Team on the map both locally and statewide. He not only supports, trains and guides others in facilitating communication and independence, but through his relationships and leadership he advises the entire agency on respectful and accepted language and practices, enhancing the execution of our mission. Rick does this through building relationships and then escalating questions and concerns to leadership, making true change that affects both employees and people served by People Inc. His groundbreaking work is the very definition of inclusivity. Rick shared his advice on making the workplace more inclusive, "Recognize that every employee has value in an organization and be mindful of a workplace that stives toward universal design." Buffalo Business First celebrates the people and companies around Western New York who make inclusivity, diversity and equity pillars of their business.