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Press Releases

  • Sep 26, 2019

    Veterans Symposium to Identify Various Resources to Better Link Veterans and their Families with Community Services

    Updated, September 25, 2019: Headway of WNY, Catholic Charities and People Inc. are pleased to present the 4th Annual WNY in Support of Veterans Symposium. “Bridging the Gaps, Part II - A Discussion between Veterans and Community Providers” will be held on Wednesday, October 2, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Pvt. Leonard Post, Jr. #6251 Veterans of Foreign Wars, 2450 Walden Avenue, Cheektowaga, NY. The free symposium is geared towards military active duty, reservists and veterans, along with medical providers and others interested in the topic. The goals of the symposium are to: Help participants gain a better understanding of obtaining community services for veterans and their families, identify resources to better link veterans and their families with appropriate community services and recognize ways to improve access to these services.  Featured speakers and panelists include: Alyssa Vasquez, Veteran’s One Stop Center of WNY, Inc.; Bonnie Vest, PhD, University at Buffalo; Max Donatelli, MS, USAF 1968-1972 Sargent, Vietnam ‘70-‘71, Erie County Anti-Stigma Coalition, Community Veterans Engagement Board and Family Advocate; Tracy Schmidt, LMSW, Horizon Village; and Delcey Pulvino, LMSW, Buffalo Vet Center.  Continuing Education Units (CEU) will be available for Licensed Mental Health Counselors (LMHC), Licensed Master Social Workers (LMSW) and Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW). The cost is $20 for one CEU and $30 for two CEUs; checks are to be made payable to Catholic Charities of Buffalo. Lunch to be provided to attendees. Registration in advance for the symposium is encouraged. Walks-ins are welcome (space permitting). To register or for more information, email or call 716-408-3110. Headway of WNY, a not-for-profit agency and an affiliate of People Inc., provides support groups, trainings and educational programs to both survivors and caregivers of brain injury. Headway of WNY is a support and advocacy agency for persons with brain injuries and other disabilities and the Regional Resource Center/Single Point of Entry for the New York State Department of Health’s Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Waiver and the Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver. For more information, go to or call 716-408-3100. People Inc. provides programs and services to more than 10,000 people with special needs, their families and older adults throughout Western New York and the greater Rochester region. Since 1970, People Inc. has assisted individuals to achieve greater degrees of independence and productivity. To learn more, visit Like us on Facebook at People Inc. and follow us on Twitter @PeopleIncNews. Catholic Charities Vision Military program offers supports and services to veterans and military families through direct services and collaboration with local agencies throughout Western New York. Current or former military members, veterans and their families can present a need at any community-based office of Catholic Charities. For more information, go to or call 716-877-8822.

  • Mar 22, 2021

    Virtual Training for Care Coordinators Announced for April 15, 2021

    People Inc. invites interested Care Coordinators to join us on  Thursday, April 15 , as we host our monthly virtual “Lunch and Learn” workshop from noon to 1:00 p.m.  The topic of “Afternoon Respite Services” will be presented by Adam Perry, program director at People Inc. Some of the discussion will focus on: What Afternoon Respite Services are available? Who qualifies for Afternoon Respite Services? How do you apply Afternoon Respite Services and what is the process? Registration is required. Please contact Kim Russi at 585.719.3424 or  by the end of the day on Tuesday, April 13. You will then receive the link for the training by email. We look forward to your questions and active participation during this workshop! Please share this flyer  with others who may be interested.

  • Feb 03, 2021

    Virtual Training for Care Coordinators Announced for February 18, 2021

    People Inc. invites interested Care Coordinators to join us on Thursday, February 18, 2021, as we host our monthly virtual “Lunch and Learn” workshop from noon to 1:00 p.m.  The topic of “Children’s Health Home” will be presented by Shayrah De Jesus Pena, Children Services Senior Care Manager at People Inc. What is a Children’s Health Home? How can it benefit children and families? What is the difference between an OPWDD Health Home and a Department of Health (DOH) Health Home? How does a child enroll? These are just some of the topics that will be addressed during this session! People Inc. will also share information about our Children’s Health Home program, how we transfer children from our Health Home to the OPWDD system and from OPWDD to the DOH Health Home. Registration is required. Please contact Kim Russi at 585.719.3424 or  by the end of the day on Tuesday, February 16, 2021. You will then receive the link for the training by email.  Please share this  flyer  with others who may be interested.  

  • Dec 03, 2020

    Virtual Training for Care Coordinators Announced for January 21, 2021

    Registration Deadline extended to Tuesday January 19, 2021 People Inc. invites interested Care Coordinators to join us on Thursday, January 21, 2021, as we host our monthly virtual Lunch and Learn workshop from noon to 1:00 p.m.  The topic of “Self-Direction” will be presented by Matt Graves, Fiscal Intermediary Representative at People Inc. What is Self-Direction? It is an OPWDD service that allows people to choose services and supports that are tailored to their wants and needs. With Self-Direction, people can create a schedule that will work for them, making each plan unique. It empowers people to design supports based on their individual strengths and needs. Self-Direction gives people more control over their funding, allowing them to choose the services that are the best fit for them. Care Coordinators are the key to all services. Join us for an overview of Self-Direction and learn how to best assist people to choose their services and enjoy as much independence as possible. Registration is required. Please contact Kim Russi at 585.719.3424 or  by the end of the day on Monday, January 19, 2021. You will then receive the link for the training by email. Please share this flyer with others who may be interested.

  • Feb 25, 2021

    Virtual Training for Care Coordinators Announced for March 18, 2021

    People Inc. invites interested Care Coordinators to join us on Thursday, March 18 , as we host our monthly virtual “Lunch and Learn” workshop from noon to 1:00 p.m.  The topic of “Environmental Modifications (E-Mods)” will be presented by Anthony j. Rushford, project director at People Inc. Some of the discussion will focus on: What is an E-Mod? How can it benefit the people I work with? What qualifies for an E-Mod? How do you apply for an E-mod and what is the process? Registration is required. Please contact Kim Russi at 585.719.3424 or  by the end of the day on Tuesday, March 16 . You will then receive the link for the training by email. We look forward to your questions and active participation during this workshop! Please share this flyer  with others who may be interested.

  • Apr 29, 2021

    Virtual Training for Care Coordinators Announced for May 20, 2021

    People Inc. invites interested Care Coordinators to join us on  Thursday, May 20 , as we host our monthly virtual “Lunch and Learn” workshop from noon to 1:00 p.m.  The topic of “Employment Services” will be presented by Jamie Oswald, program director at People Inc. Some of the discussion will focus on: What employment services are available for the people you work with? Who qualifies for employment services? How do you apply for employment services and what is the process? We look forward to your questions and active participation during this workshop! Registration is required. Please contact Kim Russi at 585.719.3424 or  by the end of the day on Tuesday, May 18. You will then receive the link for the training by email. Please share this  flyer  with others who may be interested.

  • May 10, 2022

    Virtual Training for Care Coordinators Announced for May 26, 2022

    People Inc. invites interested Care Coordinators to join us on Thursday, May 26, as we host our monthly virtual “ Lunch and Learn ” workshop from noon to 1:00 p.m.  The topic of “ Afternoon Respite Services ” will be presented by Adam Perry, program director at People Inc. Some of the discussion will focus on: For the people you work with, which Afternoon Respite Services are available? Who qualifies for Afternoon Respite services? How do you apply for Afternoon services and what is the process that follows? These are just some of the topics that will be addressed during this session. We look forward to your questions and active participation during this workshop! Registration is required. Please contact Suzanne at  585.719.3424  or  by the end of the day on Tuesday, May 24. You will receive the link for the training by email.

  • Nov 04, 2020

    Virtual Training for Care Coordinators Announced for November 19

    People Inc. invites interested Care Coordinators to join us on Thursday, November 19, 2020, as we host our monthly virtual Lunch and Learn workshop from noon to 1:00 p.m.  The topic of “Advocacy and the Life Plan” will be presented by Rick Banner, Director of Advocacy and Person-Centered Practice at People Inc. With the move toward managed care, the approach we take to support people must be focused on person-centered practices. Join us to learn quick tools that can assist in making the Life Plan more meaningful. Attendees will also learn how to navigate roadblocks as they come up. Rick will answer questions and provide resources to help professionals continue to be successful. Registration is required. Please contact Kim Russi at 585.719.3424 or by the end of the day on Monday, November 16, 2020. You will then receive the link for the training by email.

  • Oct 04, 2021

    Virtual Training for Care Coordinators Announced for October 28, 2021

    People Inc. invites interested Care Coordinators to join us on Thursday, October 28, as we host our monthly virtual “Lunch and Learn” workshop from noon to 1:00pm.  The topic of “ Afternoon Respite Services ” will be presented by Jamie Oswald, program director at People Inc. Some of the discussion will focus on: For the people you work with, which Afternoon Respite Services are available? Who qualifies for Afternoon Respite services? How do you apply for Afternoon services and what is the process that follows? These are just some of the topics that will be addressed during this session. We look forward to your questions and active participation during this workshop! Registration is required. Please contact Kim Russi at 585.719.3424 or by the end of the day on Monday, October 25, 2021. You will receive the link for the training by email.
